Secure Your IoT and Embedded Products
Ready to use secure software & services for IoT and embedded devices
Securing IoT: Why ?
As IoT market grows, insecurity of IoT devices is also rising. Hacker does not only use software attacks any more but also hardware attacks which could be a first step before a large scale software attack. While it is tempting to develop your own security solutions, the fact is developing such piece of software is a real challenge.
Protect your customer's assets
Protection of personal data is a real challenge. In addition, cyber physical systems are now widely while an unsecure system can cause physical injuries.
Protect your IT/OT network
IoT devices shall not be an entry point to your network for an attacker. Even if your network is not connected to internet an attacker may try to exploit weak wireless connection
Protect your valuable IP
Most IoT vendors do not have their own factory and device fabrication is often outsourced. In this case, protecting your intellectual property might be a real challenge.
TrustnSafe SDK

The TrustnSafe SDK is a security oriented software stack providing all the components required to build a Secure by Design product. It includes a secure bootloader, a cryptographic library, a provisioning tool as well as all the documentation needed to quickly start to secure your MCU based product.
The TrustnSafe SDK is designed to meet the requirements of the new EU regulations like the cybersecurity part of 2014/53/EU RED directive that will enter into force in August 2025 or the upcoming Cyber Resilience Act.
Provides all the modules needed to build a Secure by Design product conform to the new regulations
Designed to be quickly portable on any MCU, with or without crypto acceleration, with or without a RTOS
Ready to use
Comes with a provisioning tool that makes it ready for production.
Interested ?
Frightened by the potential vulnerabilities of your products and the new regulations ?
TrustnPlay Secure RTOS

TrustnPlay is a secure platform for MCU based on the open source Zephyr RTOS. It implements state of the art security features like secure boot, secure update, secure communications and secure local storage.
TrustnPlay comes with the native support of the SE05x Secure Element from NXP can be used to store your keys and certificates. It also implements an MQTT FOTA agent that allow you to download updates from any MQTT broker.
State of the art
Best in-class software
countermeasures against
remote & physical attackers
Versatile & ready to use
Customizable softwares to
fit your specific needs and
allow a flawlessly integration
Comes with customer support and
software updates
Let's talk !
Using a holey umbrella is a bad idea just like developing your own cryptographic protocol. Don’t let improvisation sabotage your work, use our secure software.
Our Services

Securing an embedded device can be a challenge due to constrained hardware & software, limited knowledges in cybersecurity technologies and a fast-changing market shaped by new regulations and customer expectations.
TrustnGo provides its customers with a wide range of services (consulting, development, trainings, …) designed to support them from the drawing up of product specifications according to applicable regulations through the security monitoring of their products over time.
TrustnGo performs gap analysis against the requirements of thenew regulations like the RED directive or the CRA.
We are explaining how to design a compliant HW & SW security architecture.
Once the global security architecture has been designed, TrustnGo can provide you turnkey softwares or build everything from ground up.
TrustnGo also offer consulting on cryptography and PKI.
Certify & Maintain
TrustnGo help you to certify your product according to the most known certification schemes (e.g. Common Criteria, CSPN, SESIP, PCI, ...).
We also provide monitoring & remediation services to help you when a vulnerability impacting your product is discovered.
Need more information ?
Overall system is only as secure as its weakest component. Don’t let improvisation sabotage your work.
About Us
Michaël Grand
Founder and CEO of TrustnGo
Seven out of ten organizations say they have already experienced hacking attempts via the IoT.
Former hardware security evaluator and R&D manager at Serma Safety & Security’s Security Laboratory with 13 years of experience in security field, Michael Grand has founded TrustnGo to help companies in securing their embedded products.

Open Source Projects
TrustnGo contributes to open source community by providing open source implementations of security oriented devices.
Secure Your IP and Customers' Assets
In a globalized world, your IP needs to be protected against theft and hackers as well as your customers’ data.